Saturday, June 9, 2012

Repositioning, Refocusing and Repurposing Of Blogs

I originally created this blog on Microsoft Windows Live Blogs 7 years ago to host the How To’s I created on my own time for my employer’s clients.  Since it was on my own time, I wanted to get credit for it.  I could just as easily just searched for someone else’s canned review and install guide.  I learned very early on that most people hate being instructed on how to do things but they love being taught how to do things.  Most people approaching teaching as instructional demonstration.  Show them what to do and tell them what it is you are doing at the same time.  Nothing to link what the answers or responses to the dialog boxes means or does.  No, they do not need this to use it, but if you present the information the right way in the documentation, they absorb enough of it through osmosis.  This is why the dummies guides and idiot books are so popular.  It is not that they dumb it down it is that they present it passively, conversationally and less like an instruction.

I then created a Blogger Blog to post pictures of my kids and so that I could use Google’s services to supplement the blog.  Picasso albums, etc. But I never got around to doing it.  Now I am going to try and do it over the summer, blogging about the daily activities with my kids this summer.  They are at an awesome age where we can hopefully make it to some of the amazing summer events around California.  So I am going to move my personal stuff to the Musings Of A Technonerd website and use this CyberSquire website to begin blogging about technology.  The changes are going to happen as soon as I can figure out how to easily move the posts around.


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