When I decided to go back to school, I decided to document the experience via Social Media, a Blog and random picture posts. So, I began randomly posting my musings as status update with my Facebook friends. I have sort of a core following of my friends who comment and actively participate in my life online, through Facebook.
I use Instagram as OldGuyStudent and have blogs at the following locations:
Wordpress where I post random musings about life at American River College, the local Community College where I am a student. It’s a very strange experience and I am just getting used to it because I have never been one to study or to do much reading and work on my own. I am striving to change this and it has been a challenge. The TV Show Community makes me shake my head daily as I experience the jokes in it first hand, in real life sometimes waiting for the laugh track, other times hearing the laugh track and others being the laugh track.
Tumblr is where I put random pictures. I want to take a Digital Photography class and I hope to be able to find a way to get a Digital SLR camera and preferably a Nikon. To go along with it I would love to have a Samsung Galaxy Camera as it is an amazing device. It would be awesome to have it so that I could sync the pictures to my Samsung Galaxy Note where I could edit and manipulate them.
So, now I have created a Facebook page for OldGuyStudent where I will now post the random status updates and blog posts related to School, being a student and being an old guy. My life has been an amazing journey up to this point and I have met some truly amazing people online and in real life. My family and extended family are all online and connected to me through Facebook. So I created the Facebook page for me to advertise to them the things that I like, use and find useful on this journey.
I am going to create a brand name out of OldGuyStudent and see if I can become an Internet Celebrity by letting the world see in to my warped mind because I think deep down, we are all a little bit warped in our own way. So welcome aboard!